
Sittingbourne Packet Loss - 25/07/2011 - Resolved

  • 25th July 2011
We are currently aware of packet loss on the Sittingbourne network. This is currently suspected to be a denial of service attack aimed at another provider contained within the same data centre. The upstream providers are working on mitigating the attack however around 50% of the globe will currently be seeing the packet loss depending what routes ...
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Maidstone Denial of Service Attack - 29/06/2011 (21:20 to 21:55 GMT)

  • 29th June 2011
Dear Client,You may have noticed intermittent packet loss between 21:20 and 21:55 this evening on any services hosted in our Maidstone data centre. This was due to an on-going denial of service attack aimed at one of our VPS nodes. We were alerted at 21:22 by our automated monitoring systems of a large spike in the packets per second on our switch ...
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Venus Outage 20/05/2011 - 05:11AM to 06:58AM

  • 20th May 2011
As you may have noticed your web hosting service on Venus went down between 05:11AM and 06:58AM. Unfortunatley this did go un-detected by our monitoring and it was tickets from client's that alerted us to the problem. The reason for this is that our monitoring check's the accessibility of the port over the internet rather than the data being ...
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Packet Loss - 15/03/2011 10:30 to 10:40

  • 15th March 2011
You may have noticed a period of around 10 minutes of 60% packet loss this morning from 10:30 to 10:40 due to a couple of DDoS attacks aimed at a server on our network. We quickly worked to mitigate these attacks and the server in question has now been null routed on our network. Unfortunatley we have been subject to a number of attacks recently ...
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